Fabrication of Epoxy-Coated Rebar
Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bar (rebar) should be handled to ensure that it is not damaged prior to or during concrete placement. This includes special considerations not only when bending and shearing epoxy-coated bar, but also during the loading, unloading and positioning of the material.
The following information provides guidance:

Store rebar bundles on suitable material, such as timber cribbing. Space the timber cribbing to minimize sagging.

Strapping should be padded or protected with other non-abrasive material.

Outdoor Storage
If the bars are to be exposed outdoors for more than 30 days, they should be covered with a suitable opaque material that minimizes condensation.

Contact points on shearing equipment should be a suitable material.

Contact points on bending equipment should be a suitable material.

Inspect bars after bending and repair any cracks with patching material.

Patching Material
Use a two-part epoxy repair material, approved by the coating manufacturer. Follow manufacturer’s directions.

Bars (rebar) should be lifted using a spreader bar or strongback with multiple pick-up points to minimize sag. Nylon or padded slings should also be used. For shipping, secure the load with nylon or padded strapping.